- Takashi Yamanoue
"Five Years of Experience in Improvement of a Technical English Class using Information Technologies"
IFIP WCCE 2022: World Conference on Computers in Education, 20-24, Aug, 2022 in Hiroshima
- Takashi Yamanoue
"Yet Another Wearable LED Matrix Sign System for Campus Guiding,"
SIGUCCS '22: Proceedings of the 2022 ACM SIGUCCS Annual Conference,March 2022 Pages 25–29,
- Abstract: Yet another wearable LED Matrix sign system, teleport dresser, is presented. We have shown a wearable LED Matrix sign system, sign system 2015, which shows tweets of Twitter, in SIGUCCS 2015. The sign system 2015 could not change the color of the sign. The sign system could not display pictures and animations either. The teleport dresser can show color pictures and color animation. The contents can be controlled by a script on a wiki page on the internet. Superimposing of letters on a picture or an animation is also possible.
- Kouji Watanabe, Takashi Yamanoue, Motoo Tanaka
"Experience of Digital Transformation in a Small University, 2021, "
SIGUCCS '22: Proceedings of the 2022 ACM SIGUCCS Annual Conference, March 2022 Pages 62–67,
- Abstract:In Fukuyama University, we have an educational affairs system and a course management system for education for more correct work and increasing efficiency of educational affairs and education. However, we do not have a common computer system for our office work except Office 365. Most procedures for office work are currently processed using pieces of paper and seals, which are time consuming and annoying. There is a tendency to promote digital transformation in Japan in the 2020s, but it is not easy to transform previous paperwork to effective digitalized work in a small university. This paper discusses the experience of digital transformation in Fukuyama University. The president of our university asked us to digitalize one of our procedures. We made a prototype system for the work using Office 365, discussing with officers who are in charge of the work. The system is going to be deployed shortly. Our educational affairs system is not perfect. There are many things to deal with by the faculties’ hands. In order to reduce such chores, we showed some examples of Python programs using Selenium, which is a tool for automating the handling of a web page, to a group of the faculty.
- Takashi Yamanoue,
"A Campus Equipment Controller Using an IoT System that Can Configure and Control its Edge Devices Behind a NAT Using Wiki Pages on the Internet"
Journal of Information Processing(JIP), 2022 Volume 30 Pages 251-259
- abstract: This paper describes the development of an electric appliance controller using an IoT system. The IoT system can configure and control its edge devices which are placed behind a Network Address Translator (NAT) using Wiki pages. These operations were realized by Bot Computing, a framework for Internet of Things (IoT). Any electric appliance can be controlled using the combination of Bot Computing and edge devices with an Infra-Red (IR) transmitter, if the appliance has the IR remote controlled function. We can program the power on/off time of any electric appliances, by writing a script on a Wiki page on the Internet, using Bot Computing. We can change the program anytime, anywhere. We also can control turning on or off the appliance anytime, anywhere.
- https://doi.org/10.2197/ipsjjip.30.251
- 新田 耕大, 山之上 卓,
情報処理学会, 研究報告インターネットと運用技術(IOT), vol. 2022-IOT-56, No. 9, pp.1 - 7, 2022-02-28
- 山之上 卓,筒井 保博,筒井 隆夫,
"Real から Virtual への移動システムの実現の試み",
情報処理学会インタラクション2022論文集3D-20, 2022年3月1日
- 概要: Realな「物」を,その内部構造も含めてVirtualな世界に移動(正確にはコピー)するシステムの実現を試み,一部成功したことについて述べる.対象となるRealな「物」は,規格化された知的部品を組み立ててできた「物」に限定する.この「物」を構成する部品は,お互いに通信が可能であり,また,お互いの相対的な位置や向きの関係も知ることができるようになっている.知的部品がお互いに情報交換することにより,この「物」自体が自分で自分の構造の情報を知ることができるようになっている.この情報を外部に吸い上げ,Virtual空間上でRealな「物」と同じ物を構築することにより,この移動が実現する.ステレオカメラやレーザースキャナなどを利用した入力装置は表面上の形や色の情報しか入力できないのに対して,ここで試みた方法は,内部の構造の情報も入手できる.CTスキャナやMRIは,内部の構造の情報も入手できるが内部の機能の情報は一部しか入手できないのに対して,ここで試みた方法は,内部の機能の情報も入手できる.また,CTスキャナやMRIは対象物より大きなものになってしまうが,ここで試みた方法は対象物そのものが,自分の情報を取り出す.なお,Realな世界にあった「物」を破壊することにより,このコピーは実質的な「移動」になる.
- 山之上 卓 , 成瀬 悠朔 , 尾関 孝史,
情報処理学会研究報告インターネットと運用技術(IOT),2021-IOT-54(1),1-7 (2021-07-02) , 2188-8787
- 概要: 福山大学では新型コロナウィルス感染拡大防止のための健康調査が毎日行われているが,その入力のために多くの学生教職員が煩わしさを感じており,その煩わしさは健康調査入力率の低下にもつながっている.この煩わしさを低下させるため,入力の手間の大部分を省略するためのシステムを開発している.このシステムの試作について述べる.
- 村上順也,山之上卓,
"悪性Botnet包囲網におけるマイニングマルウェア検知のための特徴抽出の試行" ,
情報処理学会, 研究報告インターネットと運用技術(IOT),2021-IOT-53(9),1-10 (2021-05-06) , 2188-8787
- 概要:マイニングマルウェアがマイニングを動作させたときの通信がマイニングウェアの通信と類似していると仮定し,マイニングの通信の性質を,wireshark で観測することにより,抽出した.この性質を使って,現在開発中の悪性 Botnet 包囲網によるマイニングマルウェアの通信が検出できる可能性があることを確認した.ここで,悪性 Botnet 包囲網で得られたデータの解析に R を用いている.
- Takashi Yamanaoue,
"An Attempt of Automatic and Flexible Operation of Campus Equipment Using Bot Computing",
SIGUCCS '21: ACM SIGUCCS Annual Conference, March 2021 Pages 30–35, https://doi.org/10.1145/3419944.3441163
- abstract: An attempt of automatic and flexible operation of equipment in a campus is discussed. This operation was realized by Bot Computing, a framework for Internet of Things (IoT). Bot computing enables remote control of edge devices which are protected by NAT routers, from the Internet. Any electric appliance can be controlled using the combination of Bot Computing and an edge device with an Infra-Red (IR) transmitter, if the appliance has the IR remote controlled function.
We can program the power-on time and the power-off time of any electric appliance, by writing a script on a Wiki page on the Internet, using the Bot Computing. We can change the program anytime, anywhere. We also can force turn on or force turn off the appliance anytime, anywhere.
We have used this to realize a large digital signage system by using windows of a building at our university. The signage system displays university information at night.
We could have planned operation of video projectors in a building. We could also have forced turn on video projectors and changed the plan of operation from the outside of the building, which is locked at night.
- Shigekazu Katagiri, Takashi Yamanoue, Kazuki Yoshizu, Shinji Hira,
"Preventing COVID-19 Infection in a University Using Office 365,"
SIGUCCS '21: ACM SIGUCCS Annual Conference, March 2021 Pages 60–65, https://doi.org/10.1145/3419944.3441219
- abstract: Preventing COVID-19 infection in a university using a cloud computing service, Microsoft Office 365, is discussed. In order to start in-person classes safely, our university decided to survey health status of every student and staff member, every day. The student or the staff member is asked to not to come to campus if there is a symptom of COVID-19 infection or if they did not fill out the survey sheet daily for two weeks. If there are no symptom of COVID-19 for two weeks, there is almost no possibility of infection of COVID-19 or the person had recovered from the infection. The survey data is collected and analyzed with Office 365 to minimize time and effort. In addition to the survey, we made the class seat assignment sheets using our academic affair system and Excel. The assigned seats were used in order to coduct contuct tracing if a student tested positive with COVID-19.
- This paper is cited by the followings. Thank them.
- Diktat and J. K. Sandhu, "Escalation of Request in Travel and Hospitality using Automation,"
2021 9th International Conference on Reliability, Infocom Technologies and Optimization (Trends and Future Directions) (ICRITO), 2021, pp. 1-4,
doi: 10.1109/ICRITO51393.2021.9596367.
- 山之上 卓 , 中原 光稀 ,
情報処理学会研究報告インターネットと運用技術(IOT), vol. 2021-IOT-52, no.27, pp.1 - 6, 2021-02-22
- 概要: 従来の大型窓デジタルサイネージシステムを拡張し,「双方向大型窓デジタルサイネージシステム」を開発した.このシステムは,大型窓デジタルサイネージの画面の近くにいる不特定多数の人々が,自分の持つスマホでその画面の表示を制御することを可能にするものである.このシステムは,大型画面と不特定多数の人との間を双方向に情報が流れることで,新しいエンターテイメントとして利用できる可能性がある.このシステムの利用例として,窓に大きく表示されたゲーム画面を,その近くにいる不特定多数の人々が,それぞれが所有するスマートフォンを使って制御することが可能なゲームを開発することができた.
- SlideShare
- 村上 順也, 山之上 卓
第22回IEEE広島支部学生シンポジウム(HISS)論文集, pp.218-221, オンライン (2020-11)
- 概要:
仮想通貨の価格の上昇と比例してマイニングマルウェアが増加し,感染すると利用者が知らないうちにCPUリソースを奪われることから,これを検知して除去する必要がある.ウイルス対策ソフトでは,ゼロデイアタックは検知できないため,通信の観測によってマイニングマルウェアを検知したい.本稿では,現在開発中の悪性Botnet包囲網のAgent Botで収集したパケット情報をRで分析し,マイニングウェアの特徴をもとにマイニングの動作を検知できるのではないかと仮定し,その可能性の検証を行っていることについて述べる.
- Takashi Yamanoue, Junya Murakami
"Development of an Intrusion Detection System Using a Botnet with the R Statistical Computing System,"
11th International Conference on E-Service and Knowledge Management (ESKM 2020), 1 – 15 September, Online Congress Japan,pp. 59-62, (2020-9)
- abstract:Development of an intrusion detection system, which tries to detect signs of technology of malware, is discussed. The system can detect signs of technology of malware such as peer to peer (P2P) communication, DDoS attack, Domain Generation Algorithm (DGA), and network scanning. The system consists of beneficial botnet and the R statistical computing system. The beneficial botnet is a group of Wiki servers, agent bots and analyzing bots. The script in a Wiki page of the Wiki server controls an agent bot or an analyzing bot. An agent bot is placed between a LAN and its gateway. It can capture every packet between hosts in the LAN and hosts behind the gateway from the LAN. An analyzing bot can be placed anywhere in the LAN or WAN if it can communicate with the Wiki server for controlling the analyzing bot. The analyzing bot has R statistical computing system and it can analyze data which is collected by agent bots.
- Takashi Yamanoue,
"Monitoring of Servers and Server Rooms by IoT System that Can Configure and Control its Terminal Sensors Behind a NAT Using a Wiki Page on the Internet"
Journal of Information Processing(JIP), 2020 Volume 28 Pages 204-213
- abstract: This paper describes a method of monitoring servers or server rooms by an Internet of Things (IoT) system that can configure and control terminal sensors behind a network address translation (NAT) router through a Wiki page on the Internet. This IoT system consists of Wiki pages and a bot (Wiki Bot) that runs on Raspberry Pi with sensors. A Wiki Bot can be placed behind the NAT router to resist various online attacks. The IoT system can monitor servers behind a NAT router over the Internet. A Wiki Bot is controlled by sending commands from the Wiki page. It acquires data from its sensors and processes the data via a command sequence of commands. The sensors settings and the data sampling rate can be remotely changed by changing the commands on the Wiki page.
- https://doi.org/10.2197/ipsjjip.28.204
- This paper is cited by the followings. Thank them.
- Yue Guo, Yan Zhuang, Rongtao Liao, Liang Dong, Wangsong Ke, Yixi Wang, Xiang Li, Chao Huang, Yuan Liang, Jingjing Wang, Guoru Deng,
"A Monitoring Technology Based on Intelligent Perception of IoT Terminal Security Status,",
2022 IEEE 2nd International Conference on Mobile Networks and Wireless Communications (ICMNWC), Tumkur, Karnataka, India, 2022, pp. 1-4, doi: 10.1109/ICMNWC56175.2022.10031821.
- Wasswa Shafik,S. Mojtaba Matinkhah,Fawad Shokoor. (2022),
"Recommendation System Comparative Analysis: Internet of Things aided Networks",
EAI Endorsed Trans IoT, vol. 8, no. 29, p. e5, May 2022.
- Khaled A. Alaghbari, Mohamad Hanif Md Saad, Aini Hussain & Muhammad Raisul Alam ,
"Complex event processing for physical and cyber security in datacentres - recent progress, challenges and recommendations"
J Cloud Comp 11, 65 (2022). https://doi.org/10.1186/s13677-022-00338-x
- 村上順也,山之上卓,
情報処理学会 研究報告インターネットと運用技術(IOT), Vol. 2020-IOT-48,No. 6,pp. 1-6. (2020-2)
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