- 村上 順也, 山之上 卓
第22回IEEE広島支部学生シンポジウム(HISS)論文集, pp.218-221, オンライン (2020-11)
- 概要:
仮想通貨の価格の上昇と比例してマイニングマルウェアが増加し,感染すると利用者が知らないうちにCPUリソースを奪われることから,これを検知して除去する必要がある.ウイルス対策ソフトでは,ゼロデイアタックは検知できないため,通信の観測によってマイニングマルウェアを検知したい.本稿では,現在開発中の悪性Botnet包囲網のAgent Botで収集したパケット情報をRで分析し,マイニングウェアの特徴をもとにマイニングの動作を検知できるのではないかと仮定し,その可能性の検証を行っていることについて述べる.
- Takashi Yamanoue, Junya Murakami
"Development of an Intrusion Detection System Using a Botnet with the R Statistical Computing System,"
11th International Conference on E-Service and Knowledge Management (ESKM 2020), 1 – 15 September, Online Congress Japan,pp. 59-62, (2020-9)
- abstract:Development of an intrusion detection system, which tries to detect signs of technology of malware, is discussed. The system can detect signs of technology of malware such as peer to peer (P2P) communication, DDoS attack, Domain Generation Algorithm (DGA), and network scanning. The system consists of beneficial botnet and the R statistical computing system. The beneficial botnet is a group of Wiki servers, agent bots and analyzing bots. The script in a Wiki page of the Wiki server controls an agent bot or an analyzing bot. An agent bot is placed between a LAN and its gateway. It can capture every packet between hosts in the LAN and hosts behind the gateway from the LAN. An analyzing bot can be placed anywhere in the LAN or WAN if it can communicate with the Wiki server for controlling the analyzing bot. The analyzing bot has R statistical computing system and it can analyze data which is collected by agent bots.
- Takashi Yamanoue,
"Monitoring of Servers and Server Rooms by IoT System that Can Configure and Control its Terminal Sensors Behind a NAT Using a Wiki Page on the Internet"
Journal of Information Processing(JIP), 2020 Volume 28 Pages 204-213
- abstract: This paper describes a method of monitoring servers or server rooms by an Internet of Things (IoT) system that can configure and control terminal sensors behind a network address translation (NAT) router through a Wiki page on the Internet. This IoT system consists of Wiki pages and a bot (Wiki Bot) that runs on Raspberry Pi with sensors. A Wiki Bot can be placed behind the NAT router to resist various online attacks. The IoT system can monitor servers behind a NAT router over the Internet. A Wiki Bot is controlled by sending commands from the Wiki page. It acquires data from its sensors and processes the data via a command sequence of commands. The sensors settings and the data sampling rate can be remotely changed by changing the commands on the Wiki page.
- https://doi.org/10.2197/ipsjjip.28.204
- 村上順也,山之上卓,
情報処理学会 研究報告インターネットと運用技術(IOT), Vol. 2020-IOT-48,No. 6,pp. 1-6. (2020-2)
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