Papers until 1999 /1999までの発表論文†
- Takashi Yamanoue, Toshiro Minami and Ian Ruxton:
A Writer's Assistant based on the World Wide Web-Knowledge,
Proceedings of the Fourth Australian Knowledge Acquisition Wrokshop,
in conjunction with the Twelfth Joint Conference on Artifitial Intelligence, AI'99 , pp.1-12, Sydney, Australia-December 5-6 1999
- 大西淑雅,中山 仁,望月 雅光,山之上 卓,甲斐 郷子(九州工業大学) "ディスクレスLinux端末を中心とする教育用計算機システムの設計" 文部省・東北大学主催,平成11年度 情報処理教育研究集会(1999).
- 望月雅光,大西淑雅,中山仁,山之上卓,甲斐郷子(九州工業大学) "受講者支援のための環境整備 " 文部省・東北大学主催,平成11年度 情報処理教育研究集会(1999).
- 平原 貴行, 山之上 卓, 山根 真人, 安在弘幸, "電子黒板システムにおけるデータ転送経路構成及び 配信方法の比較", 電子情報通信学会論文誌 D-I, Vol. J82-D-I, No.8, pp.1124-1126(1999)
- 堤宏智, 望月雅光, 山之上 卓, 甲斐郷子, " Java を使った分散システムのベンチマークテストの構成", 情報処理学会九州支部研究会報告 pp.263-269(1999)
- 堤宏智, 望月雅光, 山之上 卓, 甲斐郷子, " Java を使った分散システムのベンチマークテストの試作", 情報処理学会研究報告 98-DSM-12, pp.55-59(1998)
- 平原貴行 , 山根真人 , 山之上卓, 安在弘幸 , 澤田崇, 堤宏智 "TCP/IP プロトコルを利用したパソコンネットワークのための電子黒板システム", 情報処理学会分散システム運用技術シンポジウム'98, pp. 79-85,平成10年2月(1998)
- 日野和則(愛知教育大学)、野間圭介(龍谷大学)、 山之上卓(九州工業大学)、寺島和夫(龍谷大学)、 文能照之(大阪府立産業開発研究所)、日野信行(大阪大学) " 電子メールを使った遠隔オンラインセミナーの実施", 文部省・九州工業大学 主催,平成10年度 情報処理教育研究集会(1998).
発表概要 1996年から電子メールを使ったオンラインゼミを試みている。 このゼミでは、学生側は同大学・同地域にいながら、遠隔地の 異なる大学からも複数の教員の参加をえて、簡便な方法(電子メ ール)でリアルタイムに近い形での活発な議論の展開を実現する ことができた。
- 九州工業大学情報科学センター編,「ワークステーションでの暮らし方」 (第1章ワークステーションを使う前に,第3章はじめて UNIX を使う方へ, 第6章2節プログラムの作成と実行), 頁1-10,頁33-44,頁177-196, 朝倉書店(1997)
- Takashi Yamanoue(Kyushu Inst. of Technology,Fukuoka, Japan), Takayuki Hirahara, Hiroyuki Anzai (Kyushu Kyoritsu U, Fukuoka), Takashi Sawada and Masahito Yamane (Kyushu Inst. of Technology, Fukuoka, Japan). "Development of an Electronic Chalkboard System through Parallel Programming," Teaching in the Community Colleges Online Conference, Sponsored by the Teaching in the Community Colleges List & Kapi'olani Community College, April 1-3(1997)
- 山之上卓, 山根真人 , 澤田崇 , 清水真, 平原貴行 , 安在弘幸 , 望月雅光 "Java とコンピュータネットワークを利用した教育支援システム" 平成8年度情報処理教育研究集会講演論文集 平成8年12月6日・7日、文部省・名古屋工業大学主催, pp.117-120(1996)
- 清水真, 山之上卓 "インターネットを用いた大学の英語の授業", '95 PC Conference 資料, 九州工業大学(1995)
山之上卓、八幡勝也, インターネット入門, 北九医工誌, 6, 2, 3, 1995
- 清水真, 山之上卓, 藤木健士, "大学英語教育における分散ワークステーションシステムの使用", Discussion Paper, No.2, 語学ラボラトリー学会コンピュータ部会, pp.20-23(1995)
- 清水真, 山之上卓, 藤木健士,"教育用分散ワークステーションシステムと 授業支援システムを活用した英語の授業",語学ラボラトリー学会(LLA) 第34回全国研究大会発表論集, Foreign Language Teaching and Multimedia, 8-5,pp.79-82(1994)
- 山之上 卓 "分散ワークステーションシステムで利用できる 簡単なメッセージパッシングライブラリとその応用例", 第1回 並列分散処理に関する研究会論文集 (1994).
Click here to see the source program of the library.
- T. Yamanoue, M. Shimizu, T. Fujiki,
"Development of an electronic chalkboard for a large classroom by parallel programming and its application to English classes",
Proceedings APITITE94,vol.2, pp.651--656(1994).
- abstract: This paper presents the development of an electronic chalkboard for a large classroom, which is running on a distributed workstation system for education. This electronic chalkboard sends bitmap data, figures and letters, from the teacher's screen to more than eighty student screens. Most of the previous electronic chalkboards or similar systems run on a single computer or on a computer network with not more than ten terminals. With this chalkboard, students can see texts and images, which are typed or drawn by the teacher, clearly from the terminal in front of each student, and the teacher will be free from the dust of real chalk, from making OHP sheets, from making handouts and from other such chores. The teacher does not need to change his or her teaching style, because he or she can add lines and comments to the texts and images, as in a class which uses a real chalkboard or OHP. In order to transmit a large amount of data such as bitmaps to a large number of terminals in a short time, the program of this chalkboard exploits several parallel programming techniques. In the designing phase of the programming, this program is written in a visual object-based programming language. The work of programming is eased by this language, because the image of the program and data flows in the program can be understood easily by the programmer. The authors have been using this electronic chalkboard in several lectures, including English lessons. The authors have had good responses from the users of this chalkboard.
- "並列プログラミングの電子黒板への応用", 情報処理学会 第47回(平成5年後期)全国大会講演論文集(1), (1993), 15-16.
- T. Yamanoue, H. Hayata, H. Anzai,
"A Figure Programming Language for Parallel Supercomputers",
In Hulskamp,J. and Jones,D.(ed.) "Transputers and Parallel Applications", IOS Press, pp.209--214(1993).
- abstract: A figure language for parallel supercomputers is presented. In this language, a program has objects(or processes), which are represented by rectangles, and a message passing(or data-flow) between these objects, which is represented by arrows. These figures include such characters as |,-,+, < , > ,V and ^. Therefore, conventional editors on normal character displays can be used to draw them. Furthermore descriptions can be distributed by e-mail or can be printed out without any transformation since they are in ordinary text files. A program in this figure language is transformed into a set of C programs by a pre-compiler of this language. Each object represented by a rectangle is transformed into a program which runs on a node of a parallel supercomputer. Each message passing represented by an arrow is transformed into I/O statements of the programs. This pre-compiler, which is generated by the compiler-compiler MYLANG, exploits several techniques to solve syntactic pattern recognition.
- T. Yamanoue, K. Hayata, H. Anzai,
Proceedings ICSC'92 - Second International Computer Science Conference,pp.425-431(1992).
- abstract: A figure Language for distributed system descriptions and its pre-compiler are presented. In this language, a program has objects(or processes) which are represented by rectangles, and a message passing(or data-flow) between these objects which is represented by arrows. These figures include such characters as |,-,+, < , > ,V and ^. Therefore, conventional editors on normal character displays can be used to draw them. Furthermore descriptions can be distributed by e-mail or can be printed out without any transformation since they are in ordinary text files. This pre-compiler transforms the figures in this language into C programs. Each object represented by a rectangle is transformed into a sub-program which runs on a computer of the distributed system. Each message passing represented by an arrow is transformed into I/O statements of the sub-programs. This pre-compiler, which is generated by the compiler-compiler MYLANG expoits several techniques to solve syntactic pattern recognition.
- 山之上卓,藤木健士 "多数の X 端末を用いた授業支援システムの設計", 平成5年度第17回情報処理教育に関する研究会講演論文集 国立大学情報処理教育センター協議会, pp.--(1993).
- 山之上卓,清水真 "教育用ワークステーションネットワークとそれを用いた授業の実際", 平成4年度第16回情報処理教育に関する研究会講演論文集 - マルチメディアと分散環境特集 -, 国立大学情報処理教育センター協議会, pp.7--16(1992).
- 日野和則,熊野慎治,山之上卓 "コンパイラーコンパイラにより文献検索ファイル変換システムの開発", 情報の科学と技術,Vol.39,No.3, pp.81--87(1989).
- "パソコン通信を使い電算機言語を開発" 日本経済新聞,11月17日(1988).
- 山之上卓,紀太章,相沢雅陽 "パソコン通信を利用したソフトウエアの共同開発 -プログラミング言語 Oscal の設計と実現- ", 情報処理学会第37回(昭和63年後期)全国大会講演論文集(II), 3L-9,pp.812--813(1988).
- 王丹雲,山之上卓,安在弘幸 "規制文法を用いた中国語の CAI 実験システム", 人工知能システムの枠組みシンポジウム論文集,Vol.87,No.5,pp.101--110(1987).
- Danyun Wang, Takashi Yamanoue, Hiroyuki Anzai, "A Chinese CAI Experimental System Using Regulated Grammar",
- 言語処理系の生成系 MYLANG による NBSG/PD プリコン パイラの試作, 情報処理学会論文誌,28(1)(1987), 64-73
- abstract: NBSG/PD (Nihongo base Siyo-kijutsu gengo procedure description) is a Japanese program language. It was developed to describe as processing procedures, the functional elements extracted from the Japanese-based specification language NBSG. The NBSG/PD has a limited vocabulary and a simple and comprehensive syntax. The authors describe how, by using the language processor generator MYLANG, they built a NBSG pre-compiler to convert the NBSG/PD program into a C program, and how they strengthened MYLANG functions.
- 安在弘幸,山之上 "言語処理系の生成系MYLANGの基礎概念", 電子通信学会論文誌(D),Vol.J69-D,No.2,pp.117--127(1986).
- abstract: Describes the fundamental concepts of the language processor generator MYLANG. The language machine in the classical automaton theory is used as the practical model. An algebra is introduced to handle the model easily, and a machine is constructed which can synthesize the model as an algebraic computation. As the algebra for the machine model, the semilinear algebra, i.e., an algebra close to the linear algebra on the language semiring is introduced. The hierarchy of the classes or machine models described by that algebra is examined. The machine model realizing the language processor generated by MYLANG and also realizing MYLANG itself are located at the highest hierarchy, and are constructed in a hierarchical way from the machine models in the lower classes. First, the multiple sequential-transducer system is given as the syntax- directed translator. Then some additional mechanisms are combined with this class of machines. Its generator is given as the class of machines of that kind. Finally, the attributes are introduced, and the class of machines aimed at is given as the attributed syntax-directed translator. Its generator is specified as the class of machines of that kind.
- 山之上卓,安在弘幸 "属性付構文指示翻訳系の生成系MYLANG" 情報処理学会論文誌,Vol.26,No.1,pp.195-204(1985).
- abstract: The most promising tools of the language processor generating system are Knuth's attribute grammar and Koster's affix grammar. This report outlines the language processor generator MYLANG and the language processing system to be generated. This generator MYLANG can generate the processing system of quite a wide class of languages, for example the context dependent language. MYLANG generates the attributed syntax- directed translator by applying input of the regular translation form (RTF).
- ANZAI,H.,SUGIBAYASHI,N. AND YAMANOUE,T. "Experimental Generation of A Prolog Interpreter by MYLANG", Proceedings of the Logic Programming Symposium '84,5-2,Tokyo(1984).
- bit ナノピコ教室「ジャンケン大会」 優勝, bit,vol.12,No.14, pp.100-102,Dec. 1980.
....A Program that learns.
- LKIT-16によるFORTRANシステム インターフェース 6月号,pp.84-121Jun. 1980.
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