
WebLEAP.... Web Language Evaluation Assistant Program



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WebLEAP WebLEAP/WEB, WebLEAP on the Web and its manual by Yoshiaki Matsuda. WebLEAP/DSR, WebLEAP which is embedded in the DSR (Distributed System Recorder). DSR is a computer assisted teaching system for distributed systems. It can also be used as a benchmark test tool for distributed systems.

A Manual of the WebLEAP/DSR (in Japanese) DSR, Distributed System Recorder, (dsr.jar, updated 17 Apr. 2004) This includes the latest version of the WebLEAP/DSR. It can be used by the following steps. Install the J2SE or JRE. It can be obtained from Down load this (dsr.jar). Add the java command path to the "path". for example in the Windows OS, if the J2SE is installed at "c:\j2sdk1.4.2_02", then, do the "set path=%path%;c:\j2sdk1.4.2_02\bin" in the command window. jar -xvf dsr.jar The command "jar xvf .jar" extracts all files in the .jar. You can also extract the same files by downloading, and unzipping this zip file. cd dsr Change directory to the dsr which is extracted by the previous procedure. java -cp classes:lib application.webleap.WebLEAPFrame WebLEAP/DSR is started by this command. FAQ on WebLEAP Please use the WebLEAP at your own risk. We are improving the WebLEAP now. We welcome your suggestions, requests, comments.

Papers on the WebLEAP

Slides and talk of the presentation Power point file of the presentation

References, Related links, Web corpuses, other Knowledge Acquisition Systems, etc.

tools, concordances

Tools for learning english

Groups,Communities, Academic societies, People, etc.


takashi yamanoue,

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